Monday, May 08, 2006

STUD 2006 Hannover

Saturday 6 May 2006
An event in FH Hannover with participant from Malaysia and Indonesia student from Universities or Fachhochschule in Germany was Organized by the comitee of STUD(Suedostasiatische Treffen und Dialog).This event was organized sucessfully.The dialog sesion between students and the speakers shows that there is two way communication with Q&A.Menu for lunch was served by the comitee but it is only acceptable.A litte bit dry.Perhaps a cup of soup would be nice.Delicious food can be found on the corners of the hall.Persembahan silat has been cancelled without unknown reason.From my point of view this event was really a sucessfull event.One sugesstion to the comitee,during the lunch time maybe it is better to open it to the student from the FH so our culture can be enjoyed by some other students.Info at STUD website
* Exchange of information and knowledge regarding:
o Society life in Germany and national integration;
o Future Profession and
o Regional and national contributions after graduation.
* Insights into the diversity of culture in the South East Asia community.

More of the Picture from the STUD taken by Faisal Mohd Zain
Please click here*STUD Picture*
Please do contact me by leaving some comments on the dashboard.Your comments are welcome.Thank you.

Image taken by Canon EOS with EF 50mm f1.8